Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Drawing Artist in the Studio

Today, Artist came over to the studio to start a six hour academy drawing.  I snap some photos. Enjoy!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Magican Photoshoot

I was contemplating what to draw for this April's Oh! flier and my friend suggested that I do a magician theme with my old top hat.  Here are the results...

Here's is the drawing that I made from the shoot. You can see the original drawing by clicking here - Oh! 7 Original

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Felix Forest as Anteros

This picture is of Felix, modeling for a 6 hour figure study I am doing of him.    I also invited a friend over for some figure drawing.
As Felix is my boyfriend, it was a natural progression that he be drawn as Anteros, the god of requited love!

Find this Original Drawing for sale at http://felixdeon.com/Classical/FelixForestAnteros.html

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Scout is Obedient.

 This is the very first of my gay scout law illustrations. I'm so excited with how it came out! You can see the original for sale on my website by clicking here Scout Law 1
As I continue the quest of creating poses for the scout law I came to Obedient...

A Scout is Obedient.
A Scout follows the rules of his family, school, and troop. He obeys the laws of his community and country. If he thinks these rules and laws are unfair, he tries to have them changed in an orderly manner rather than disobeying them.

Friday, April 1, 2011

What a friendly scout might look like...

These are pictures of me and my friend contemplating and exploring poses of what it might mean for a scout to be friendly.

A sensual massage is friendly,

and so is a kiss on the cheek!